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  • 25 2020-07
    Sharing practical experience: to improve the performance of the twin screw extruder tips
    Twin screw extruder is modified plastics manufacturers of equipment used, the following describes some tips can be improved twin screw extruder performance, including equipment modification, and maintenance practices three aspects. Equipment modification 1, between the flange section and the second section of the feed plus insulation gasket Twin screw extruder feeding zone mostly water-cooled barrel and locked together with the cylinder flange and the second section (heat), heat may be continuously transferred from the high temperature cylinder to the cold cylinder. Leading to the second paragraph of the barrel can not maintain adequate temperature. Typically, the operator set temperature 180 ℃ in the second paragraph of the cylinder, but due to the heat loss of the feed section, the actual stabilizer usually does not exceed 135 ℃. The simplest solution is to feed zone between the cylinder and the second section flange, plus 1 to 2 insulating spacer thickness of 1 mm, and a heat insulating gasket replacement years, since the heat insulation pad tendency to aging and degradation sheet has shrunken. 2, the cooling system into the twin screw extruder high-pressure cooling system As you know, the water pump in the turbulent than laminar flow can lead to more wall heat transfer. High voltage transmission in a high degree of turbulence in the transverse momentum transfer, which break up the boundary layer. The results of strenuous exercise causes a large amount of fluid heat exchange between the fluid and the tube wall. Twin screw extruder cooling system generally provides a pressure of 20 ~ 60PSI. In order to achieve turbulent flow, preferably up to 120PSI of pressure. Almost all of the twin screw extruder cooling system components (valves and
  • 17 2020-07
    Good news! Xinda Co-Kneader has become the best choice for domestic manufacturers of Semi-conductive Cable Compounds.
    Good news! Xinda Co-Kneader has become the best choice for domestic manufacturers of Semi-conductive Cable Compounds. Following the order of Wanma Polymer with an annual output of 6,000 tons of shielded cable compounding equipment in May, this week we also won the tender of China's leading company CGNPC 110KV shielded cable material project. Not only that, but also the equipment of many large enterprises is under negotiation, and orders are expected to be placed in the second half of the year. Haijiang, Far East, Zhongchao...... Xinda Co-kneader supplies more than 100,000 tons of high-grade Semi-conductive Cable Compounds to the market every year.
  • 08 2020-07
    One-step silane crosslinked polyethylene cable compound
    There are two-step method and one-step method for the production of silane cross-linked cable material and its cables. It is believed that the difference between the two-step method and the one-step method is where the silane grafting process takes place. The two-step method is used for the grafting process at the cable material manufacturer, and the one-step method is used for the grafting process at the cable manufacturing plant. At present, the two-step silane crosslinked polyethylene insulation material with the largest domestic market share is composed of material A and material B. Material A is polyethylene which has been grafted with silane, and material B is a catalyst masterbatch. Its weight ratio is generally A : B = 95: 5. Materials A and B are made by the cable material factory and then sold to the cable factory. Before the cable factory mixes the materials A and B in proportion, the cable can be extruded on the ordinary extruder. There is also a type of two-step silane cross-linked polyethylene insulation material. The production method of material A is different. In the process of synthesizing polyethylene, vi
  • 05 2020-06
    Compounding extruder for EPP micro pellets by Strand cutting system & Underwater cutting system
    Recently, Xinda has taken several orders, providing Compounding lines for EPP micro pellets by Strand cutting system & Underwater cutting system both. Extruding mold, water trough, air knife and pelletizer, all of them are with special design. While for twin screw extruder, our customers chose Clamshell barrel design, which is ease of cleaning, and suitable for their various color EPP requirements. EPP (Expanded Polypropylene) are now widely used in automobile, electronic packaging, transport packaging, civilian & leisure, mariculture, military and other fields. HTEC is researching steam-saving and molding- time-saving products while controlling them in specific density ranges between 10 g/L and 250 g/L. Now Xinda gathered much experience on EPP micro pellet production, any interest, please feel free to contact us.
  • 25 2020-05
    Biodegradable Compound Project
    From December 1, the "Provisions on the Prohibition of Disposable Non-degradable Plastic Products in the Hainan Special Economic Zone" will be officially implemented. Hainan Province will completely prohibit the production, sale and use of disposable plastic films, bags and tableware containing non-biodegradable polymer materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride. Substitutions include fully biodegradable plastics, paper, cloth, hemp and other products, and reusable plastic baskets and baskets. In addition, in the large supermarkets in Haikou City, plastic straws, disposable plastic tableware and other items on the shelves have been taken off the shelves and replaced by fully biodegradable alternative products. According to statistics, ten large shopping malls and supermarkets in Haikou City have started to use fully biodegradable plastic products on a trial basis. With the approach of a comprehensive plastic ban, the demand for degradable plastic products will increase substantially. Xinda provide turn-key project for biodegradable products, which are compostable in nature condition. The whole project includes: Raw material supplying – Formulations – Material handling system – Gravimetric doing system - Compounding system – Film blowing & bag making machinery. Xinda can lead you bio market in a short time. (PBAT + Starch; PBAT + PLA + Starch; PBAT + PLA + CaCO3. Etc.)
  • 15 2020-05
  • 23 2020-04
    Several major domestic projects are mainly the application of reciprocating single screw extruder in cable materials
    Affected by the Covid-19, from January to April, the company's foreign trade orders fell by 40% compared with the same period of 19 years. Many orders were suspended due to the suspension of foreign companies' projects. But domestic sales increased by 60%. Several major domestic projects are mainly the application of reciprocating single screw extruder in cable materials: conductive compounds, PVC compounds, XLPE and HFFR; In addition, recently, the company's orders for reciprocating single screw extruder and twin screw extrude used in melt-blown materials have exploded. The company is now working overtime to make more machines, and this state is expected to continue until mid-June.
  • 08 2020-04
    PP material for meltblown PP material for meltblown is used for the production of the filtration layer of the facial mask. It is with very high MFI PP. Meltblown is a polymer based technology where high-velocity air attenuates extruded fibers that are much finer than spunbond. These fine fibers provide exceptionally high surface areas for multiple applications, especially filtration. The main materials are PP and DCP, where the DCP reduces down the molecular weight, which results in the lower processing temperature (20-30℃) and the increase of the MFI of the PP resin. XINDA twin screw extruder for Meltblown PP has the following advantages: 1, Automatic dosing system: loss-in-weight feeders are used for the dosing of PP and DCP, which guaranteed the high accuracy for the sta
  • 07 2020-03
    Meet Xinda In Interplastica 2020, Moscow, Russia
    xinda will attend the interplastica 2020 which will be held in moscow, russia 28-31 january, 2020. xinda stand number will be e04 in hall 2.1. xinda welcomes all customers to meet us in moscow russia who will visit interplastica 2020.
  • 07 2020-03
    Xinda Delivered First Line Of Twin Screw Extruder For Epp Mini Pellets
    xinda recently delivered first line of Twin Screw Extruder for epp mini pellets to russia in early january of 2020. epp, expanded polypropylene, is a new kind of chemical material which is widely used for automotive industry, packing industry due to the excellence in the mechanical property, environmental-friendly, and light in weight. the traditional epp mini pellets line is adopting a Single Screw Extruder. however, twin screw extruder has better mixing and kneading performance, and the customer decided to use xinda twin screw extruder to make a trial.

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